Saturday, December 31, 2005

On this eve of a new year as so many make their promises, re-promises, vows and amendments to vows my you all either achieve your goals or learn to be happy with where and what you have in life. Happy New year to you all. g

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

For all you Tag-fanatics out there im guessing this seems like a great deal. i cant help but wonder what the paranoid people are going to think about what info my camera phone can tell me about the guy behind me using their bluetooth-enabled cell phone.

...just don’t know what to do with this. i’m not really surprised by this but that doesn’t make it any easier to process. This is either more proof that religious extremism in any facet is bad or that i’m wrong and woman are evil bad bad evil demons. Hmm, that last part is thought provoking. i’m off to bed before my wife beats me to sleep. Nighters, g

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Far be it from me to talk ill of a free market place but i just need to vent about craftsmanship. You would think (or as i understand it) that in a free market quality and price would balance out. Then why am i paying a lot for cheep crap? my kids opened up many toys today so when i tell you that two of the items where poorly made its not really a high percentage. Now as far as i am concerned it is high. I don't remember having this problem even five years ago. Last year we had two items that we needed to return as well. i can also remember several pieces of “put together your self” bookshelf/ furniture missing screw, pegs, dowels and boards. my two month old mp3 players earphone jack is already cutting out if i'm not careful. Now of you might think an mp3 player is a disposable item but, i'm not in a position to consider $200 a throw away amount. Toys breaking with normal use. I still have stuff from when i was a kid that is in better shape then a lot of my three year old sons toys. i would really like to hear from others if they have noticed this as well or am i just a magnet for this? g.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

i don’t want to talk on intelligent design(ID) and evolution battles too much but if you haven’t heard about one of the funnier happenings after then Kansas board of education decided to start teaching ID in science class, i just have to add this Wired article. i think in an earlier post i gave links to some info on ID and the Kansas case you can read there that they had to change the definition of science to include what is defined by most as magic and supernatural. Well, being a better reader than writer ill let you read the article. Here’s some links to Noodle info.
May you too be touched by His Noodly Appendage.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It’s odd where you find your cultural differences. With hoodies and baseball caps being the standard uniform for youth and dads alike in this country its no wonder half of Europe doesn’t like us.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ok, i have spent years trying to work out all the details of starting my own religion and after all that work i find this. Man i need to search around more, would have saved me a lot of time.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

This isn’t a bad list but im guessing that people from different sides of the open source debate might have a few subtracts or adds for this.

i personally think the most exciting thing happening now is the bookmark/opml sharing services like and loomia. These are already helping me fine tune searches for new sources of information. Basically (and all i really know is loomia for my podcasts so ill stick with that for my example) you generate a list from your RSS feeds that you subscribe too. These are grouped in an .OPML file. You input that file in to loomia. Now it looks for all the ones you have and compares it to the others members and can find other people you have a large percentage of your podcasts with. Now you can get either a list of Recommendations based on...well if you tell them you really like the Diggnation podcast it looks at all the other people that like it and shows you other things they like. it also compares Tags so if you like a lot of music shows it puts more weight in music shows in your Recommendations. You can also just look around at other customers OPML lists or do searches for Tags or types. i don’t want to talk on and on more then i have. i know there are more service out there that function this way and would love to hear your take on them if you use them. And i can’t end without some odd bit (just ask your self why). Nighters, g

Well, we leaped in the 90s in my office this week by getting high-speed internet set-up. Till now we just had...well ill just say the words Dial-up and AOL and you insert the expletive you feel most appropriate. Now i could make light of the company or the history involved in the need for high-speed (They promised all the customers that they could download their information from our web site but we couldn’t upload them with out one of us taking them home to do it) but i won’t. im above that. i really have had no time to read anything this week so ill just add the 1st thing that made me laugh and maybe this and call it a...mid-after-evening or something. g

Sunday, December 11, 2005

This is just getting out of hand. Now the MPA (Music Publishers Ass.) is going after sites that publish song scores and lyrics. i just wish there was a faster way to make the major music companies fall under there own weight and drown in the pool of business. With sites like Podsafe music and Podcasting going on it looks to be starting something that could really change the music industry. You can find groups that are now just giving their music away for free download (here’s one). i have now stopped buying any music from a lot of the big names. i have found enough good music to fill up my available time. my weakness would be the old groups i like, putting out new music. Really i can’t wait to see where all this ends up. g

Things that don't change.
Things that do change.
Things that well just are strange.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ahh, the things you find digging around.

i lied, ill end with this. If you haven’t been keeping up with Kansas they reworded there definition of science to included the supernatural so they could start teaching intelligent design. i don’t see this as a good thing for any side of this rather extensive and eruptive debate. im guessing some groups are getting behind this just to stop the teaching of evolution not because they agree with this theory

Late night and i have to be up early. Guess i should be used to that by now. im headed to bed but i thought i would leave you with this . i...umm...i guess that there's nothing i can say about it then, people are funny. Night, g.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What no fries? i understand most of the items but really, he would have saved money if he got a value meal.
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